
When Logos Go Bad – Round 2

by | May 21, 2012

Last week we had some pretty hilarious logos for you. But this week we have a whole new round of logos. It might not be quite as obvious WHY these logos are bad, so we will explain. But we hope you find it obvious that these logos ARE bad… for some reason or another. Now, if you’re sitting there thinking… “I don’t see what’s wrong with that logo. In fact, it reminds me a little of my own logo…” Call us! We need to talk.


If it looks as if you used clip art in your logo, or if you ACTUALLY used clip art in your logo – not good. Logos, even sports logos, should look professional and trendy. Also see – Logo Modifications: It Worked for Them, It Can Work for You!


This logo isn’t the worst thing we’ve ever seen come by our office, but it definitely has it’s drawbacks. First, the color: not a lot of businesses choose purple, and there are reasons for this. We’ve done a good deal of research on colors and what they trigger in people’s brains. Purple is just somewhat of a weak color for a business logo.  Second thing to think about on this logo would be: diversity. You want a logo that you could blow up really large, use very small and be able to use in one dimension so you could embroider it or put it into vinyl if you’d like. You cannot do that with this logo.


Your logo should make sense. This is a logo for a pizza company. By simply looking at it, you would not get that impression at all. Does this logo say to you: Order Our Pizza! It’s Delicious! ?  Nope! Also, contact info should never be a part of a logo. Again, it makes it less easy to diversify the logo.


This logo is very low quality. First, it takes a while to see what you’re looking at – it’s not a great sketch and it’s too pixelated. Making it any larger than it is here, would only make it worse. You want your logo in many different formats and your designer should tell you what each of those formats is for so that your logo never looks like this.


I’m really just not sure what the point of the image in this logo is nor do I find it visually attractive.


This logo could be used many different ways, but it certainly wouldn’t win best logo of the year. Logos are the “brand” of your company. Although, we do strive for somewhat simple with logos, we do think they should be visually attractive and catchy so that they are not easily overlooked. Your logo will be used in everything your company does. You’ll want it to stand out!


We hope you have enjoyed this installment of When Ads Go Bad! If you would like to report of an Ad Gone Bad, people contact us at info@transformationmarketing.com.

Note: We are a marketing firm, not a law firm. We are not aware of any copyright laws we may be violating by posting pictures of advertisements that are in the public domain to this blog. This site is just for fun. If you own the rights to any of the pictures or ads posted and feel that violated your copyright, please contact me and we will remove it. If you want us to fix your marketing mishap we can do that too.

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