As brilliant as your marketing professor may have been years ago, college-level knowledge won’t cut it in the real world. Marketing is an ever-changing industry that only gets more competitive.
If you want your brand or business to succeed, you must continue learning from seasoned marketing professionals. And it’s easy to do so, given all the resources we have today. Renowned experts are writing books and making podcasts left and right. All we have to do is soak in the knowledge.
To help you save time on looking for the best books and podcasts for marketers, we’ve listed down some of the best ones that offer fresh insights and perspectives.
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind by Al Ries & Jack Trout
Nothing is more challenging to a marketer than a skeptical and resistant audience. Al Ries and Jack Trout were the first to address this problem in their classic book “Positioning.” They say that to tackle this issue, you must gain a strong position in the minds of consumers.
To do so, you must have a unique selling proposition. You must have something that sets you apart from others. In addition, you must get your message across using simple tactics instead of complicated and confusing ones. Lastly, the authors emphasize the importance of repetition to make your brand memorable.
Permission Marketing by Seth Godin
Seth Godin has 19 bestselling books, making him one of the most trusted gurus in online marketing. His book “Permission Marketing” challenges conventional strategies, highlighting the importance of building connections and trust.
While traditional marketing is about interrupting what the audience is doing to get their attention, permission marketing focuses on those who already show interest. That makes way for long-term relationships.
The Psychology Influence of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini
The Psychology Influence of Persuasion is a highly acclaimed classic that all marketers must have in their arsenal. Dr. Robert Cialdini, a pioneering expert in the study of influence, shares his
learnings on what causes shifts in people’s behavior. It’s a helpful read if you want to sharpen your persuasive skills.
He developed six principles that are considered foundational to marketing strategies today. Social proof is one of the concepts he coined. This principle states that people are more likely to do something if others are. Another one is reciprocation, which says that people are more likely to accept a request if they think they owe the other person something.
Social Media Marketing Podcast With Michael Stelzner
This podcast is ideal for those looking to improve their social media performance through expert advice. Michael Stelzner gathers insights from various social media marketing professionals. Through these success stories, listeners can learn how to optimize their marketing strategies. This podcast has been running since 2012, so there’s a massive library for you to peruse.
The Product Marketing Show by Content Beta
Product marketers who want to scale their businesses should tune into this podcast. Rishabh Bhandari, CEO of Content Beta, hosts the show. He features a different marketing professional each week to offer listeners fresh perspectives. You’ll learn new ways to position your brand strategically, drive demand for your product, and boost revenue.
The Revenue Marketing Report by Camela Thompson
For the B2B marketers out there, this one is worth listening to. It’s one thing to be an expert in marketing theories and principles. But knowing how to apply them is another. This podcast will help you become an effective business partner, providing tips on leading various teams. It’s helpful that every episode has an accompanying blog post that highlights the pertinent information.
Choose the Best Resources for Your Brand
Marketers today have a wealth of information at their fingertips. Every marketing book and podcast is a chance to learn and broaden your perspective. However, not everything is beneficial to your brand or business. It’s up to you to discern which resources align with your marketing strategy and goals. For more information, you can contact Transformation Marketing at 402-788-2896.