
Brand Promotion

make your brand stand out

Brand promotion can encompass many things. In the broad sense of the word it is actively making potential customers aware of your product or service so they can buy.

Brand promotion, if done right, takes planning and thought before diving into details of messages and where to promote. When you promote your brand you need to identify how you are different from competitors. If you offer something entirely new, how are we going to carve out that new niche in the industry. Basically, what is the initial thing you want people to think of when they think of your company or what is the reputation you want for your company or brand.

There are a variety of ways in which this can be accomplished:

Online profiles and social media platform
Print materials
Promotional Items

an umbrella of planning & strategy

Brand Promotion is a large umbrella of planning and implementation of strategy. Some companies we work with come with the questions answered and we step in and implement with a promotion plan. However, we have other companies that are just starting on this phase of their company and we ask the questions needed to build the brand from the ground up. Most companies don’t do this alone. They reach out for expertise through this process. With our experience we can work through the processes, create a message that encompasses your company, and create and implement a plan to advertise that using all meaningful measures.


examples of our work:

Epp Concrete

epp concrete

One of the most obvious parts of branding is the actual design of the brand itself. We are pleased when we get to help a company do this from the ground up or give their brand a complete refresh. Epp Concrete is an example of our team taking a brand and giving it a fresh new look that really helped to up this concrete company’s game.

Freemont Contract Carriers

fremont contract carriers, inc.

Another way to promote your brand is to see what your audience likes the best about your company, and then driving that point home in your marketing (pun totally intended). For FCC, their drivers really appreciated that they got home for the important things in their lives, and so did their families, so we captured the essence of that in this heart-warming promotional video.

nebraska bank of commerce

nebraska bank of commerce

Sometimes the audience will tell you what they want to hear, and sometimes you have to guide the audience to change their thinking. That was our goal with the “Thanks for Nothing” campaign for NBC. We needed to shake the “bank” vibe and make their brand a little more fun to compete for the younger audience.

Papa Johns

papa John’s

Although we love helping companies design and mold their brand, we often take on companies who already have an established brand. However, even with a national brand, such as Papa John’s we still needed to promote this franchise owner’s stores as local. We have been doing these local campaigns for years, and we have to admit, they’ve been some of our favorites.

Papa Johns